Gardner Schofield Chiropractic Blog
#140 Faith or Fear?
#140 FAITH OR FEAR? The choice is simple. You can choose either faith or fear. This is not a religious or spiritual recommendation. It is a scientific one. The big pharma-controlled media and big tech censorship wants you to be afraid so that they can make billions of dollars of profit. When simple, safe and…
#139 Are You Constantly Sniffling and Sneezing?
#139 ARE YOU CONSTANTLY SNIFFLING AND SNEEZING? I am ¾ of the way through a cleanse and I realized I have not had even a sniffle since I started. The main reason is because I am highly sensitive to both grains and dairy and this cleanse has you eat paleo, which don’t include those ingredients.…
Chiropractic Can Help Sciatic Pain in West Bend
CHIROPRACTIC CAN HELP SCIATIC PAIN IN West Bend There is hardly a more misunderstood condition that a chiropractor treats than sciatica. While it is true that any form of discomfort in your lower back that prevents you from living life your way merits proper treatment, no all of this pain should be classified as sciatic…
#138 What to do with Vertigo
#138 WHAT TO DO WITH VERTIGO Dizziness or vertigo can be a debilitating condition, that very few doctors have answers for. We have treated many patients in the West Bend, WI area for vertigo and have learned a lot about it over the years. The 5 main causes that we have come to see at…
#137 A True Wellness Check
#137 A TRUE WELLNESS CHECK When we think of a wellness check, we think of having our blood pressure checked, being weighed and measured, and maybe a little blood work to check to see if you need cholesterol medications. This is fine, but skinny people die from heart attacks all the time. There are so…
#136 Infertility in 1st World Countries?
#136 INFERTILITY IN 1ST WORLD COUNTRIES? It is very interesting that, for the most part, infertility is uniquely a first world problem. You don’t see third world countries having any infertility issues. This is counter-intuitive at first. First world women have access to better food hypothetically, better access to doctors and hospitals and better personal…