Gardner Schofield Chiropractic Blog
#75 Fever, Sweats & Cough… Why?
#75 FEVER, SWEATS & COUGH… WHY? Following up from my last blog, after my daughter: Addie’s fever had subsided, she developed a cough. This is very common, but you can also start coughing and sneezing up mucous as well as begin sweating. What this means is your body is winning the battle and it is…
#74 What We Did When My Daughter Had a Fever
#74 WHAT WE DID WHEN MY DAUGHTER HAD A FEVER My daughter: Addie just had a fever for a few days, and I wanted to share what we did to help her body heal and fight off whatever was bothering her. Hopefully you will find this valuable. A fever is the body intentionally raising its…
#71 Controlling Mental Stress: Part 1
#72 CONTROLLING MENTAL STRESS: PART 2 Having the right mindset and controlling mental stress is the key to a healthy and successful life. Everyone knows this, but few are able to do it. One practice I have found very helpful in controlling stress, is to practice gratitude. Stress is not an event; it is how…
#72 Controlling Mental Stress: Part 2
#72 CONTROLLING MENTAL STRESS: PART 2 Controlling your stress is the key for a healthy life. As we talked about in the last blog, gratitude is very important, but exercise is as well. Intense, physical exercise that raises your heart rate, releases all kinds of chemicals in your body that affect your mood. I am…
#73 Controlling Mental Stress: Part 3
#73 CONTROLLING MENTAL STRESS: PART 3 One important and over looked part of mood control is good digestion and stomach/gut health. Serotonin is produced in the gut and helps monitor mood control if you are feeling stressed out, anxious or depressed. Taking large amounts of probiotics everyday can help your body regulate your mood more…
#70 What’s Your Tendency?
#70 WHAT’S YOUR TENDENCY? I am not perfect, and I don’t ask any of my patients to be either. It’s all about your tendency. There is a principal that was created by Werner Heisenberg, who won the Nobel Prize in 1932 after being nominated by Albert Einstein, called the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. This principle states…