#62 Thank You For a Better Way!

When I made the decision to switch to NUCCA, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Had I known it was going to take years of going to the office at 5am or 6am, studying the textbooks, then taking care of my patients until 7, 8, 9 or even 10pm at night, I probably would not have made the leap.
I guess, sometimes ignorance is bliss. But now looking back, it’s so worth it.
Our office is finally where I envisioned it being, all those years ago. It Is so rewarding helping people that have been suffering for years and have tried everything else.
It is just simply better and more effective than regular chiropractic. It is exponentially more precise, far more gentle and there is no guess work.
One of my goals before I have passed away, is that NUCCA will be the technique most chiropractors use and not less then .1% of the profession.
If every person had their alignment fixed before the age of 10, the same way we take our children to the dentist and orthodontist, this would be a happier and healthier world. There would be so much less suffering, fewer headaches, pain, vertigo, asthma, disc bulges and herniations, and fewer knee and hip replacements.
Thank you so much for trusting us and this very different technique. It means the world to me!