#54 The Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Pregnant Woman
More and more women are discovering the many benefits associated with chiropractic care during pregnancy. The most common complaint that women seek chiropractic care in pregnancy is for low back pain associated with the constant changes the body is going through while adjusting to a growing baby. As more women utilize chiropractic care, they are noticing additional benefits throughout their pregnancy aside from low back pain alone.
How can chiropractic care be beneficial during pregnancy?
- Maintaining a healthier pregnancy
- Controlling uncomfortable symptoms of pregnancy
- Reducing the time of labor and delivery
- Relieving back, neck or joint pain
- Preventing a potential cesarean
As a mother’s weight increases, her center of gravity shifts outward and her postural compensations respond accordingly. In addition, the ligament laxity necessary for birthing adds to instability in her joints, especially in her spine and pelvis.
A chiropractic adjustment called the Webster technique is a specific sacral adjustment to help facilitate the mother’s pelvic alignment and nervous system function. The adjustment in turn balances pelvic muscles and ligaments, reducing torsion to the uterus, and offers greater potential for optimal fetal positioning. Here at Gardner Schofield Chiropractic, we are trained through the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) and are specially trained and certified in the Webster technique and protocol.
If you or someone you know is pregnant, we would love to help through chiropractic adjustments to help prepare for safer, easier birthing for both mommas and their babies.